Melissa Adams

Assistant Principal

573-204-7555 ext. 111


Meet Melissa Adams, a member of Saxony Lutheran High School since the summer of 2020. Mrs. Adams has served in education for over 20 years. She has been an elementary teacher at Nell Holcomb for 13 years, the principal at Trinity Lutheran School for 6 years, and is currently the assistant principal at SLHS. Raised in Altenburg, MO, Mrs. Adams graduated from Perryville High School, then attended Southeast Missouri State University and completed her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education in 2001. In 2012, she completed her Master of Arts in Elementary Administration. Continuing her education, she completed the coursework for the Lutheran Colloquy program in 2016 and her Specialist in Educational Administration in 2021. Mrs. Adams lives with her husband and 2 children in Jackson, and they attend Trinity Lutheran Church in Cape Girardeau.
Staff member: Missy Adams