Small Group Ministry
What is small group ministry?
Small Group Ministry is held every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Every small group is lead by student leaders and facilitators. There is also a teacher in every group who helps answer difficult questions students may have. Leaders and facilitators work together to come up with interesting and entertaining devotions and games.
Students enjoy faith, fellowship, and friends on a daily basis.
Small groups are focused on bringing all students of different grades as one group. Small Group Ministry gives many opportunities for students to step out of their comfort zone and be the leader God has called them to be. It stretches you in your own personal devotions, prayer, and fellowship activities with their own groups. In order to preach the gospel you must live it first.
Small Group Ministry is active in student life.
Small Group Ministry is actively trying to make a difference in our world today. Every small group participates in different activities such as: Adopt a Family, LFCS Non perishable food drive and many more activities throughout the year.